Learn more about government’s intention to modernize the museum to protect our historic holdings and provide better access to our collections.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, donor support has allowed the museum to continue to provide learning opportunities for people of all ages through online programs - helping to keep us all connected even while staying apart.
Your generous gift today will ensure these outreach programs will continue to reach people across BC.
As a donor, you will receive a tax receipt, complimentary copies of What’s inSight magazine, and your name will be listed annually on the donor wall and in the magazine to recognize your generosity.
"Your support and generosity are deeply valued. Your donation helps the Museum fund exhibitions and learning programs, care for our collection and conduct environmental research. All of which are crucial to the vibrancy of our community, province and country."
All donations are eligible for a charitable tax receipt according to Canada Revenue Agency guidelines.
Here is how you can give today to protect and share BC’s rich history and inspire the future.
Make your cheque payable to the Royal BC Museum and mail to:
Royal BC Museum
Attn: Advancement Department
675 Belleville Street
Victoria, BC V8W 9W2
Call 250-387-7222 or 1-833-787-7222 to make your donation by credit card.
You can make a gift in memory of a friend or loved one.
If you provide the name(s) and address of an individual or family representative we will gladly notify them of your gift without revealing the specific amount.
You can also make a gift in honour of friend or loved one - perhaps to celebrate a recent achievement or special day (anniversary, birthday, etc.). We will send a card notifying them of gift, the amount will not be disclosed.